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4,8 von 5 Sternen
4,8 von 5 Sternen
4,8 von 5 Sternen
4,8 von 5 Sternen
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Kamma Celebrates Christmas

Name Celebrates Christmas

26,99 € 26,99 €
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A Beautiful Christmas Book for the Youngest Readers!

This personalised children's book is for all small children, and their families, who love Christmas. Our excited hero has lots of fun with festive activities, throughout December, leading up to Christmas Day. What could be more wonderful for a child than spending Christmas time together with the adults that love them.

Our little hero makes their own Christmas decorations, build a snowman and bakes tasty Christmas cookies. Taking a trip to the forest, the family choose the finest Christmas tree, to take home and decorate. How exciting that Santa is coming very soon! Our little hero leaves some tasty treats for Santa and the reindeer. On Christmas morning, they jump out of bed to find all their presents are waiting under the tree for them.

Create lovely memories of a child's Christmas time with this beautiful keepsake, This personalised Christmas book is perfect for children aged 0-4 years old. The child is actively involved in the reading with interactive text.

Autorin: Anna Dybdal
Autorin: Helena Joy
Illustratorin: Sarah Conradsen

0 bis 4 Jahre
24 Seiten
delivery time
4-5 Werktage
auf Lager
auf Lager
Nordic Ecolabel
Nordic Ecolabel
Hardcover, beschichtetes Papier (200g).
Hardcover, beschichtetes Papier (200g).

Personalise Name Celebrates Christmas

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Write a personalised dedication. Please do not use smileys since they unfortunately cannot be shown in the text. The text will be printed on the first page of your chosen story (max 300 characters).

Information about the Child

Write the first name of the child.
You have chosen Boy

Information about the Mother/Female Adult

Write the name of the mother/female step parent to the Child.

Information about the Other Parent/Step Parent.

Write the name of the other parent/step parent to the Child. This adult can be either male or female.
Skriv navnene på de ekstra børn, der indgår i historien. Ved to personer indsættes et og imellem navnene. F.eks. Ida og Magnus.

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