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Adamko, Name and Name's Magical Lantern Quest

Name, Name and Name's Magical Lantern Quest

26,99 € 26,99 €
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Delightful personalised children’s book about brave children, wonderful snowflake fairies, noble winter animals and the Winter Queen’s magical lantern!

Far up in the North, the Winter Queen lives in the Ice Palace, where she reigns over all winter animals and people. Every year she throws a big winter party where the Northern Lights give hope to all around. The Northern Lights are strengthened by an ancient lantern, that was given to the Winter Queen by the Spirit of the Night Sky, thousands of years ago.

However, this year, the flame in the lantern is going out. The Winter Queen sends her fairies out with the magical lantern to visit all the winter animals, as only their voices can give the lantern life again! The lantern is heavy and the journey is long and harsh, so the fairies will need help. Our little heroes of the book are perfect for the quest. Nevertheless, it will not be an easy task!

Through evocative and beautiful illustrations, the book tells us about the journey to the North and that you can go far if you help each other. It can be made for one, two or three adventurous children.

Autorin: Stinne Lykke Valentin Nordvig
Illustratorin: Sarah Conradsen

5 bis 8 Jahre
32 Seiten
delivery time
4-5 Werktage
auf Lager
auf Lager
Nordic Ecolabel
Nordic Ecolabel
Hardcover, beschichtetes Papier (200g).
Hardcover, beschichtetes Papier (200g).

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Write a personalised dedication. Please do not use smileys since they unfortunately cannot be shown in the text. The text will be printed on the first page of your chosen story (max 300 characters).
Number of children that are in the story

Information about Child 1

Write the name of the first child here
You have chosen Boy

Information about Child 2

Write the name of the second child here. They can be a sibling / friend of the first child.

Information about Child 3

Write the name of the third child here. They can be a sibling / friend of the first and second child.

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