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Houat and Name's Space Adventure

Name and Name's Space Adventure

26,99 € 26,99 €
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Blast Off and Explore the Solar System!

Our two aspiring astronauts love stars and planets. They dream of visiting the sun and all the fascinating planets in the Solar System. One evening, they decide to build a spaceship and travel out into space.

Our little heros are very excited to meet all the planets, who are happy to see them too. They meet Mars with its red volcano and giant Jupiter with its stormy belly. They build a snowman on ice cold Saturn with its beautiful rings and fly quietly past bright, gassy Uranus.

On Neptune they are nearly caught in a storm, but can then relax on dwarf planet Pluto and enjoy the view of the magnificent Milky Way. Mercury is very happy for the spaceship’s visit, for it loves to play. Finally, beautiful Venus comes to the spaceship's aid and helps it back to Earth before it runs out of fuel!

The two children also fly past the sun, where they try and catch a sun beam they can take home as a souvenir.

The book is an imaginative story about being an astronaut and travelling through space, but it also shares interesting facts about the sun, the Solar System's fascinating planets and the giant universe.

The two children in the story can, for instance, be siblings, twins or friends aged 4 to 8.

Autorin: Stinne Lykke Valentin Nordvig
Illustrator: Jonas Sonne

5 bis 8 Jahre
32 Seiten
delivery time
4-5 Werktage
auf Lager
auf Lager
Nordic Ecolabel
Nordic Ecolabel
Hardcover, beschichtetes Papier (200g).
Hardcover, beschichtetes Papier (200g).

Personalise Name and Name's Space Adventure

Choose Book Size

Write a personalised dedication. Please do not use smileys since they unfortunately cannot be shown in the text. The text will be printed on the first page of your chosen story (max 300 characters).

Information about Child 1

Write the name of the city/town where the child lives.

Information about Child 2

This child can be a younger sibling, a twin or a friend who has been allowed to spend the night at Child 1's house.

Parent/Parents living with Child 1 (and maybe Child 2)

Write the name of the parent/bonus parent living with Child 1 (and maybe Child 2). He/she is not illustrated.
Write the name of the second parent/bonus parent living with Child 1 (and maybe Child 2). He/she is not illustrated.

Extra People

Please select a different person than you have selected above. This is the people that Child 1 calls when they are in Space.

Write the name of the person that Child 1 calls during space travel. He/she is not illustrated and can be a grandparent, cousin, uncle, aunt, friend or girlfriend, etc.
Write the name of the second person that Child 1 calls during space travel. Person 2 lives with person 1. He/she is not illustrated and can be a grandparent, cousin, uncle, aunt, friend or girlfriend, etc.

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